There is this thing that's like touching except you don't touch.
Det här är tråkigt. Jag pallar ingenting. Satt och kastade lim och penna mellan Icca och mig...vill egentligen rita, men jag orkar inte.
Snart jul också, måste bli klar med julklapparna, men det får liksom ta sin tid eftersom att jag känner mig helt seg och trasig.
Så jag lyssnar på Dresden Dolls och blir glad!
There is this thing that's like touching except you don't touch
back in the day it just went without saying at all
all the world's history gradually dying of shock
there is thing that's like talking except you don't talk
back in the day it just went without saying at all
all the world's history gradually dying of shock
there is thing that's like talking except you don't talk